UK-based Global Production Company.

UK-based global production company.
(more info we can share: size, target, market, product/service, years in activity, ...)


An “Ecosystem of Tools”... although the first part sounds good, what comes next is not so much. In the vast and complex library of software choices, the only thing the company (like so many others) wanted was to combine the massive chipboard of tools they were using.

Different departments were working on different platforms, and on top of that, the company had teams allocated in various locations. So, to paint the whole picture, they had a very complex world of project management, resource management, quality control, timesheet, production, finance, and vacation planning disconnected.

With more than 50 tools being used globally, the turning point happened when a big client account was at risk of leaving because of the lack of organization and transparency.


As soon as we came in, we started to deep dive into every process, department, team, and location. At this stage, the goal was simple: to understand exactly how the different tools were being used. This ensured that no specific need was left uncovered by our implementation.

Secondly, with full knowledge of how the machine works with its high number of pieces, we needed to find ways to standardize all processes together and as one!

Along the way, we identified some gaps in the Skills Workflow platform to complete all the company’s tasks. Therefore, we began the customization process to include all the required tools. It was necessary to keep some integrations and to build others, but by the end of the day, nothing was missing.

The most critical client (who was at risk) was just the launching point. After that, we implemented a rollout strategy for all the accounts.


Remember the 50 tools the company’s employees were using? We reduced all that to around 10, hence a significant cut on software costs.

Processes were perfectly standardized, so project sharing and resource planning across locations could be smooth and efficient.

To conclude, we gave a new life to the professional relationship between the company and the client at risk. After a while, this specific client also wanted to implement Skills Workflow internally due to the verified improvements.

(falta a quote)

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